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cake spatula

cake spatula


A metal cake spatula (also referred as a frosting spreader) with a pale yellow plastic handle that was used by Teresa Summerskill and it was donated by Laura Burden. On the front of the blade at the bottom reads "Stainless Steel U.S.A - Ecko Forge" with a logo of two stickmen side by side pounding with hammers. The company Ecko Forge was first found in 1889 by Edward Katzinger, in which the "Ecko" name was shortened to the actual company name of the Edward Katzinger Company. However, Ecko Forge was demolished from its independence in September 1965 and became a division of another large corporation, which was the American Home Products. For donor biography see description for 021.10.01.

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upholstery hammer (claw)

upholstery hammer (claw)


A metal upholstery hammer with a wooden handle that was used by Teresa Summerskill and it was donated by Laura Burden. Judging from the way the hammer was made by the wood carving/metal engraving, this more likely could have been hand made, as there is also no visible brand name. For donor biography see description for 021.10.01.

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upholstery hammer (tack)

upholstery hammer (tack)


A metal upholstery hammer with a semi-cream in color painted wooden handle that was used by Teresa Summerskill and it was donated by Laura Burden. Judging from the way the hammer was made by the wood carving/metal engraving, this more likely could have been hand made, as there is also no visible brand name. For donor biography see description for 021.10.01.

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Boxing Tool

Boxing Tool


Boxing tool. Pair of pliers with several features added. On end of one handle is screwdriver. End of other handle is flat with a triangle cut out of end to form two prongs about 0.6 cm long. On the back of one side of the head of the pliers is a rectangular hammer, on the back of the other side is a small axe.

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hand maul, Lil'wat

hand maul, Lil'wat


[This item was repatriated to Lil'wat Nation Nov 22, 2019]. Granite hand maul. Column, flat topped. Below the top a slight bulge tapers to an area for gripping. Below that the column flares gradually to a base wider than the top. History: About 1950, ploughing a field belonging to Nelson Fraser, Mr. Fougberg found the maul in two sections. Later someone glued the parts together. In 1956 Mrs. Fraser gave the maul to the finder. [Update 2019] Hand mauls are almost exclusive to the indigenous people of the southern coast. The hand maul required hard stone not prone to cracking or chipping; it was used to pound wedges into a cedar log to split off planks, as well as for other woodworking requirements. The maul was made by pecking and grinding techniques. A stone of suitable size and material was selected, pecked to the required shape, ground smooth, then polished with a piece of oiled hide. [See publication "Stone, Bone, Antler & Shell" by Hilary Stewart, 1996 - shared by Johnny Jones].

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Blacksmith's Hammer

Blacksmith's Hammer


This is a home made hammer for metal work. The head and handle are both cylindrical. It is made entirely of metal. It is approximately 10 lbs in weight.

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Blacksmith's Hammer

Blacksmith's Hammer


This is a home made hammer for metal work. It is entirely metal, and very heavy for its size. The handle is square at the head and narrows to a flat edge at the end. The head is slightly rounded and shaped like a rectangular prism.

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Hay Rake

Hay Rake


This is a hay rake. It has twelve metal nails hammered through head to form teeth. The handle is painted black. It appears to be hand-fashioned.

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This item is a sledgehammer head. "4" is stamped into one side and "Made by Manchett" on opposite side. Further research into manufacturer will confirm estimated object age.

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stone hammer, Stl’atl’imx

stone hammer, Stl’atl’imx


Archaeological implement. Broken hammer stone. [update 2019] The broken bottom half of a stone maul. Looks like the bottom portion of a broken hammer stone and cleanly broken diagonally. Location where found in Stl’atl’imx territory is unknown. Hand mauls are almost exclusive to the indigenous people of the southern coast. The hand maul required hard stone not prone to cracking or chipping; it was used to pound wedges into a cedar log to split off planks, as well as for other woodworking requirements. The maul was made by pecking and grinding techniques. A stone of suitable size and material was selected, pecked to the required shape, ground smooth, then polished with a piece of oiled hide. [See publication "Stone, Bone, Antler & Shell" by Hilary Stewart, 1996 - shared by Johnny Jones].

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rock hammer

rock hammer


The rock hammer (ab) was donated by Ken Greenway from 1916 found by Ken at Owl Creek at Owl Mountain Mines. The galena (c) came from Blow Down creek [Stein Valley], the azurite rock with copper showings (d) came from Owl creek and the azurite with silver (e) came from the Hurley bowl along the Duffey.

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top section of stone maul, Lil'wat

top section of stone maul, Lil'wat


[This item was repatriated to Lil'wat Nation Nov 22, 2019]. Possibly half of the maul has broken off. It was found in the general area of Guthrie's (now Hoffman's) farm possibly on H. Menzel's land or among gravel on the road. In the late 50's Mrs. Guthrie saw a young boy using the maul as a hammer she persuaded him to give it to her. [update 2019] Hand mauls are almost exclusive to the indigenous people of the southern coast. The hand maul required hard stone not prone to cracking or chipping; it was used to pound wedges into a cedar log to split off planks, as well as for other woodworking requirements. The maul was made by pecking and grinding techniques. A stone of suitable size and material was selected, pecked to the required shape, ground smooth, then polished with a piece of oiled hide. [See publication "Stone, Bone, Antler & Shell" by Hilary Stewart, 1996 - shared by Johnny Jones].

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Black stone maul, Lil'wat

Black stone maul, Lil'wat


[This item was repatriated to Lil'wat Nation Nov 22, 2019]. Black stone maul used for grinding or as a hammer. This black stone tool was found by Hjelt about 1967 as he worked with a grader spreading gravel near Smuk's place about 17 miles upriver from Pemberton Village. The gravel had come from the river bank. In Mount Currie, Hjelt had seen similar stone to that in the tool. It is in sound condition, slightly worn at the top. It was found on Bank of the Lillooet river above Smuks (Upper Meadows). Found in gravel near river bank. [update 2019] Hand mauls are almost exclusive to the indigenous people of the southern coast. The hand maul required hard stone not prone to cracking or chipping; it was used to pound wedges into a cedar log to split off planks, as well as for other woodworking requirements. The maul was made by pecking and grinding techniques. A stone of suitable size and material was selected, pecked to the required shape, ground smooth, then polished with a piece of oiled hide. [See publication "Stone, Bone, Antler & Shell" by Hilary Stewart, 1996 - shared by Johnny Jones].

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Shinglers' Axe

Shinglers' Axe


Shinglers' axe. Blade is notched on one end and has a hammer head. Object is believed to be from Devine B.C. from the 1940's.

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Sawyer's wrench. Has two different size crescent ends plus a hammer head. Very rusted and pitted. Object is believed to be from Devine B.C. from the 1940's.

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