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Your search for Tools - Domestic matches 23 pages

copper oiling can
A small copper coloured metal oiling can with a handle and a thumb press part that was used by Teresa Summerskill and it was donated by Laura Burden. On the thumb press part of the handle reads "Golden Rod" and on top of the handle has "Dutton-Lainson Company - Hastings, Nebr., U.S.A." written on it, thus inscribing the company name. The company Dutton-Lainson was first found in 1886 by William M. Dutton and two of his friends when they began manufacturing small harnesses and collars for horses. At that time, it was widely known as one of the largest horse collar distributing companies of the nation before moving onto other distributions, such as printing and retailing. In today's standards, Dutton-Lainson is still well known for being one of the highest manufacturing businesses in that particular state, specifically for marine, automotive, industrial, and agricultural products. For donor biography see description for 021.10.01.
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compass saw
A compass saw with a wooden handle and a metal blade that was used by Teresa Summerskill and it was donated by Laura Burden. There is no inscribed brand name, and judging from how the wood was carved, along with two different screws are screwed on either side, this was likely hand made. For donor biography see description for 021.10.01.
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drywall saw
A drywall saw with a wooden handle and a metal blade that was used by Teresa Summerskill and it was donated by Laura Burden. On the left side of the handle has the writing "Benchmark - 1062 - 218" engraved and the blade has "bomho - Made In Brazil" also written on the left. Although the possible brand name of "bomho" has no indications of company history, the other brand name of "Benchmark" is actually distributed from a company named Home Hardware. It is a privately held business and was found in Canada (St. Jacobs, Ontario) in the year of 1964 by Walter Hachborn. It is also owned by many other related private businesses across Canada. Beside the engraved name in the handle of Benchmark has the Home Hardware logo of two lower cased letters of "h" side by side but facing opposite directions. For donor biography see description for 021.10.01.
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mill file
A metal mill file with a wooden handle that was used by Teresa Summerskill and it was donated by Laura Burden. The mill file is used for sharpening various domestic tools, such as saws. On one side on the bottom of the file reads "Mill Bastard", in which the metal file is known as a "bastard cut" from the making; hence the engraved rough lines at the tip. On the other side of the file reads "Nicholson - Made In Canada". This brand name is referred to the full company name of The Nicholson File Company Complex, which was found in 1859 by William Nicholson. Some of the first products made were machine-made files during that year and as well precision tools used in the manufacture of armaments during the American Civil War, specifically for the Union Army. Some of the oldest buildings also has been made from the years 1864-1865 and had expanded throughout the 20th century. The wooden handle also at the bottom on one side has "No. 14 - Disston - Canada" engraved in the wood. For donor biography see description for 021.10.01.
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upholstery hammer (claw)
A metal upholstery hammer with a wooden handle that was used by Teresa Summerskill and it was donated by Laura Burden. Judging from the way the hammer was made by the wood carving/metal engraving, this more likely could have been hand made, as there is also no visible brand name. For donor biography see description for 021.10.01.
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upholstery hammer (tack)
A metal upholstery hammer with a semi-cream in color painted wooden handle that was used by Teresa Summerskill and it was donated by Laura Burden. Judging from the way the hammer was made by the wood carving/metal engraving, this more likely could have been hand made, as there is also no visible brand name. For donor biography see description for 021.10.01.
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brace bit hand drill
A metal brace bit hand drill with a wooden cap and handle part that was used by Teresa Summerskill and it was donated by Laura Burden. On the top of the metal part above the handle in the middle has the name "Victor" on one side and "No 975-10W" on the other. Although, the possible brand name of "Victor" does not have much information with the company's history, although it possibly could have been manufactured from a similar company with the same name that made phonographs and phonograph records. For donor biography see description for 021.10.01.
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four screwdrivers
Four slotted flat head screwdrivers with three having wooden handles and one having a yellow plastic handle that were used by Teresa Summerskill and they were donated by Laura Burden. a) is a long screwdriver with a wood chipped handle and the metal head piece having an uneven slanted shape with no brand name. b) is a medium sized screwdriver that is slightly longer than b) with a slightly wood chipped handle and the metal head piece having an uneven slanted shape, also having no visible brand name. c) is also a medium sized screwdriver with a yellow plastic handle. On the right side of the handle reads "Oxwall U.S.A.", in which the brand name of "Oxwall" is the manufacturing company. Although not much company history is well known, there is some information that Oxwall originally was found in New York as a foreign business company around April 1978 and was later shut down at an unknown date. The top of the handle can also be twisted while making a "clicking" sound. d) is a small screwdriver with a wooden handle and the metal head piece having a slightly uneven slanted shape with no brand name. a), b), and d) more likely could have been hand made. For donor biography see description for 021.10.01.
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wooden handle
A wooden and semi-metal handle with a top piece missing that probably was used by Teresa Summerskill beforehand and it was donated by Laura Burden. There is no brand name on the handle, thus making it difficult to tell what tool it could have been or where it was manufactured from. However, judging from the handle shape, it may have been used as a domestic tool. For donor biography see description for 021.10.01.
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scratch awl
A metal scratch awl (also referred as an ice pick) with a wooden handle that was used by Teresa Summerskill and it was donated by Laura Burden. On the left side on the top of the handle upside down reads "Stanley - No. 7 - Hurwood - Made In CAL." The company name of "Stanley", also known as the full name of "Stanley Hand Tools", was found in 1843 by Frederick Trent Stanley. It is a division of the main company name Stanley Black & Decker (formerly named Stanley Works), in which it was formerly a bolt and door hardware manufacturing company. For donor biography see description for 021.10.01.
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Box Cutter
This is a box cutter/utility knife and it is embossed "Made in USA" on one side. It is made of metal.
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This is a table mounted hone/grinder. Materials are metal and stone.
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Hand Drill - Brace
This is a hand drill [brace]. There is no drill bit attached or wooden handle. Condition: it is well used and rusted and a piece is broken off.
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This is a hatchet with a wooden handle. The "eye" is not sprung (handle in axe head) - Estimate ca. 1960
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