Cipp, Sharon

A drawing print of a trapper in a forest. The picture has a man smoking a pipe in the forest. There are two tail ends of horses and a bunny in the picture. It reads "Sourdough "trapper" on the gold rush trail ~ circa 1858 Pencil/Ink PDMAS 2010". Its in a black frame and labeled on the back. the drawing was made for the "Pemberton Survival Guide and Cookbook"
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A drawing of animals in the forest. The drawing was done by Sharon Cipp for the "Pemberton Survival Guide and Cookbook". It pictures animals such as a deer, moose, fish, frog, squirrel etc. It reads "Wild Game"
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A drawing done by Sharon Cipp for the "Pemberton Survival Guide and Cookbook". The picture depicts two women in a kitchen, the one on the left is carrying a pot and the one on the right is kneading dough. The kitchen has shelves with pots, pans, and dishes on it. It reads 'Meanwhile ..."Back at The Homestead" circa 1858".
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wooden stool
A three legged wooden stool donated by Sharon Cipp. It was made by Ian McLeod in woodworking class when he was in high school. It is a milking stool. It has an uneven shape due to the wooden pegs being a bit loose and how the wood was carved making the stool. However, it is still in stable condition.
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