Chevrette, Katrina

Chevrette, Katrina
McEwan's farm acrylic painting

McEwan's farm acrylic painting


An acrylic painting of the McEwan farm with a wooden frame donated by the Walker family. The painting depicts the farm in a wilderness setting surrounded by pine trees, and a pond or lake in the far left corner. The name of the artist is unknown, as there is no signature or given date, although it is assumed that it was painted by one of the McEwan family members. The back of the frame is held by a thin paper sheet and on the bottom right corner has a label sticker titled, "Hudson's Bay Company (Incorporated 2 May 1670) - Pictures and Mirrors" and has two lined boxes of "Date" and "No." "No." has the number written of "3217". From this sticker, this painting was likely framed at Hudson's Bay Company.

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drawing of a mountain goat

drawing of a mountain goat


A drawing of a mountain goat in a wooden frame donated by Katrina Chevrette. It was found on the McEwan farm. The mountain goat art piece has been assumed it is a reprinted copy of a wood burning, although it could have been a pen and ink drawing. On the right side below the mountain goat has the artists full name "Hedy Heilmann" written side ways. The back of the frame has one price tag at the top left corner titled with the price number "19.95" and the other is Hedy Heilmann's business card attached with masking tape on the center. The business card reads "Golden Circles Enterprises - Art/Design" with her name printed below.

Date of Object:

ca. 1980s

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"Mount. Assinibone" mountain photograph

"Mount. Assinibone" mountain photograph


A photograph of a mountain landscape in a silver frame donated by Katrina Chevrette. It was found on the McEwan farm. The photograph was taken in Mount. Assinibone, British Columbia, by Jim Traub, as it is written on the back of the frame and at the right side also has a tag written with the location. The bottom left corner has a card addressed to Jim Traub titled "Wilderness Respect" and his name below. The back of the frame also has metal wiring used for hanging, but is instead screwed on.

Date of Object:

ca. 1980s

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mountain photograph

mountain photograph


A photograph of a mountain landscape in a wooden frame donated by Katrina Chevrette. It was found on the McEwan farm. The photograph of where it was taken and the photographer is unknown, although more likely it was taken somewhere in British Columbia. The back of the frame has a thin paper sheet attached with metal wiring on two hooks used for hanging. The bottom below has a dark blue sticker tag titled "The Richmond Arts Limited - Pictures and Picture Frames, Vancouver, British Columbia, in which the tag could have been displayed in the Richmond Art Gallery.

Date of Object:

ca. 1980s

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Coleman gas lantern

Coleman gas lantern


A red 200A (300cp) model Coleman lantern donated by Katrina Chevrette. It was found on the McEwan farm. It was manufactured by the Coleman Company and collaborated with Pyrex in the United States, as there was a painted label on the shade (glass). The company was first found in 1914 by William Coffin Coleman who first began selling high pressure gasoline fueled lamps. Although, as poor sales increased before when working with the Irby & Gilliand company who manufactured the 'The Efficient' Pendant Arc lamp No. 6 model, Coleman decided to redesign it and began producing lamps in 1903. Eventually, the Coleman Company became a worldwide success since 1914 and current models today either use kerosene, gasoline, Coleman fuel (white gas), and/or propane. The base of the lantern has the "Coleman" label, and on the stem has the writing engraved with "200- Use Generator- No. T-66" which indicates the model of the lantern. On the gas lighting wheel, there is writing that says "Open 1/4 Turn to Left and Light" on the top and "After Mantle Burns Bright Open as Far as Possible" on the bottom. The handle has a piece of blue tape attached that reads "Empty Lamp of Kerosene", in which before the lantern used kerosene as fuel.

Date of Object:

ca. 1952

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first aid kit

first aid kit


A metal first aid kit that is white in colour a) titled "First Aid- Safety Supply Company - British Columbia No. 1 Kit" on the front and it was donated by Katrina Chevrette. It was found on the McEwan farm. It was manufactured by the Safety Supply Company brand in Vancouver, Victoria, British Columbia. It was shown on a printed label inside the kit, which also describes some of the packet content that is required from each branded kit (No. 01 kit, No. 1., No. 2). The first aid kit comes with a Sentinel Instructions pamphlet, two Hand Cleaners and Gauze Sponges in a packet b) and c), three Adhesive Dressings d), e), and f), one 2" Compress Bandage and one 4" g) and h), one Burn Treatment i), one Compressed Gauze j), one Triangular Bandage k), one Adhesive Tape and Roller Bandage l), one Antiseptic m), two Sterile Eye Pads and Adhesive Eye Strips along with Ophthalmic Ointment n), one Sucrets Sore Throat Lozenges tin with a small pill wrapped up in plastic o), one Red Bird small matches box p), and one pair of scissors and tweezers q) and r). The kit is wrapped up in duct tape on the back. It also has a strong, tangy odor when opened.

Date of Object:

ca. 1950s - 1960s

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