Chambers, Rene

Sewing Machine and Cabinet

Sewing Machine and Cabinet

Sewing Machine and Cabinet


A 1964 singer sewing machine in cabinet. "I was born in Squamish B.C. , but raised in Pemberton B.C. I was one the first grades (grade five, I believe) in the signal hill elementary school , when it first opened. My mother Anne decker, married to Jim Decker was an excellent Seamstress and I remember as a teenager her making me skirts for school ( Knee length, of course) which I promptly rolled up at the waist line once I was out of her sight!"


sewing machine, household equipment, sewing


Chambers, Rene (Irene) (nee Decker)

Date of Object:


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Cabinet: 84 cm L x 46 cm W x 79 cm H Sewing machine: 42 cm L x 17 cm W x 28 cm H

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