Burt, Greg
ShareCross Cut Saw
Cross Cut Saw from Sloquet Creek. Estimated to be from the 1930's-40's. Greg Burt believes it was the first cut block in this area. It was kinked and stuck in a large cedar stump. The saw is 8 feet long, bent and rusted.
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Large Wrench
One large wrench found in ground by Village Works Crew during construction in Frontier Park. Wrench is in fair condition. After examination it is believed to be railway equipment.
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c.a. 1915-1935
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Oil Can
Oil can with pump that came from the Village of Pemberton.
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c.a. 1960
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post office alarm till
Description-Rectangular, brown and wooden. It has three trays inside which would have held money. Two of the trays are fixed while one can be removed from the till. There is a small alarm bell inside the till which is non functional. There is also a top to the till which is cracked and unfinished with an inscription which reads "Trade Mark Tucker Alarm Till Tucker & Dorsey MFG Co Indianapolis U.S.A. 503" History-In 1968 the first post office building was opened. Previously the Post Office had occupied a small space in the store adjoining the new .premises. Ben Cherry retired in 1968 as postmaster. We can assume he removed the till then probably discarded, from the office where he had served: The Burts found it in the garage of the house Cherry had owned.
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